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Creed Christianity

'That summary of yours has no more resemblance to the faith I hold than the bones and skeleton of a dead man have to the face his children loved.'

J A Gossip


BBC lists the ‘Basics of Christian Belief:


  • There is only one God

  • God is a Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit

  • God is perfect, omnipotent, everywhere, knows everything

  • God created the universe, sustains it, and intervenes in it

  • God loves everyone unconditionally (though people have to comply with various conditions in order to achieve salvation)

  • Human beings can get to know God through prayer, worship, love, and mystical experiences

  • Human beings can get to know God through God's grace - that is through his love and his power


God the Son

  • God lived on earth as Jesus

  • Jesus was both wholly God and wholly human

  • Jesus was born to a human woman, Mary, but conceived of the Holy Spirit

  • Because Jesus was wholly human he was subject to pain, suffering, and sorrow like other human beings

  • Jesus was executed by crucifixion but rose from the dead at the Resurrection

  • Jesus's life provides a perfect example of how God wants people to live

  • Jesus died on the cross so that those who believe in him will be forgiven all their sins and inherit eternal life.


God the Holy Spirit

  • After the Resurrection, Jesus remained on earth for only a few days before going up into Heaven

  • Jesus promised that he would stay with his followers, so after he went to Heaven he sent his Spirit to guide comfort, and encourage Christians


We can add three more:

  • The Bible is the Word of God, or contains the Word of God

  • The Church has been set up by God to be conduit between man and God

  • The Christian Life consists mainly of prayer, bible reading and worship - and behaving decently.

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