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Prayers for Christians

When you pray do not heap up empty phrases; your father knows what you need before you ask him

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Prayer for December 24







Gracious Lord we rejoice in Christmas, and that it comes to

  • brighten our darkness,

  • lift our spirits


  • proclaim your love


Lord, who comes into our world largely unrecognised, forgive us

  • that we who claim to be yours are often blind to your presence. 

  • that we are so focussed on our own interests and concerns that we fail to see the crying needs of those around us.

  • that we are so sure that the gathering of possessions and the pursuit of pleasure will lead us to happiness

  • that we turn away from the simple teaching and example of Jesus to follow the pathetic counsels of those who tell us that the good life makes no demands and requires no commitment.


Lord, you came into our world as a helpless child and threw yourself on our care and compassion.


May we trust also in your love for us, and live our lives in a careless      abandon for our own concerns


a complete and enduring dedication yours.



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