Let God be God
Only Christians
Let God be God
I hold that God has intentions for us and that
We come to know them and him by living as christians
That’s all: there are only christians. Individuals who seek and follow God’s intentions.

What I have come to
We need to recapture the vision of new people living lives as God intended. Such people are christians.

God is wholly other. He calls the shots and has intentions for us. Intentions
The ‘god’ of the bible and tradition is diverting us to ‘belief’ in a static religion away from trust in the living active ‘god’. Knowing God
God’s intentions are not religious or spiritual but seek to transform everyday human life into productive lives enjoyed in harmony with God. Whole of life
These intentions are found in Jesus and in those before and after, who live trusting in the grace of God.
In the present age God’s intentions are frustrated by man’s appetites and ambitions. This leads to the trivialisation and undervaluation of human life. Present age
Religion offers no short cut to God; and usually diverts people to a substitute god of convenience. Christianity the Brand
The church at large has deserted its prime task and is almost certainly beyond reform.
There is a better way; believe little; trust a lot. What I Believe
I need honest companions who seek to live as God intended.
But who are not hung up on conventional Christianity, nor are tweaking it to make it more acceptable.
If you are such a christian help me work through it by contacting me on bryan@onlychristians.co.uk
Where I have come from
I am a christian because it feels right, makes sense and works
‘Converted’ by American evangelist, circulated in evangelical circles in Tyneside.
Attended theological college for four years; awarded a Diploma in Theology by Leeds University.
Served 11 years as a Methodist Minister before leaving because I didn’t know what I was for.
Worked for two large industrial companies rising to Divisional Manager.
Practised as a Management Consultant for twenty years helping several small/medium companies to improve how they went about their work.
Have written many articles in national newspapers, and several books.
Led a group of ministers considering their tasks and how to manage them.
Have lived and still live among ordinary folk who pick their way through life as best they can.
Lost Mary my wife, counsellor and life companion in 2015.
I am thoroughly dissatisfied with what I see, hear and experience of ‘Christianity’…but am not impressed by:
intellectuals in their attempts to re-invent ‘God’
convenience religion (no matter what you do, god will comfort you in it)
arts and crafts believers (god is to be found largely in beautiful music, arts, buildings, countryside)
bible thumpers
I am still travelling. I think I know the direction but need honest companions on the way. Walk with me please
Contact me at:: bryan@onlychristians.co.uk
That’s all: there are only christians. Individuals who seek and follow God’s intentions.